Are you aware that there are several features of cPanel website hosting that are very advantageous to companies, individuals, organizations and institutions who have website hosting needs and internet based businesses and clients to provide for? Aside providing web interface, which helps users to manage their accounts and achieve greater web hosting success, cPanel provides users with first-class support tools that are efficient and most reliable in administrating and managing their website accounts.
This application is the only website hosting application that can give you authority over the management of your website hosting account, and provide you with varied features that will help you to manage your files, mails, website security, domains and many other features. In addition to the above, we shall be discussing several features of cPanel website hosting application and the advantages these features holds for users of this application as follows:
- E-mail functions: Email features of cPanel helps users to create their website Email accounts, edit such accounts to suit their needs, set or change passwords, set up email security features and be able to control spam and filter email to different folders, as they found appropriate.
- File manager: cPanel website hosting have file manager features, which enables users to download files to the server and upload files from the server. This feature also allows users to move files around their site by redirecting the URL and creating sub-domain where such files were located.
- Site Maintenance: cPanel has several features in the area of site maintenance. Users are allowed to install and uninstall their website front-page extensions, allowed to manage the FTP (file transfer protocol) account, manage their domains, directories, internet configurations, database administrations and be able to create custom error page views.
- Database Management: cPanel allows its users to manage their database. Users have the opportunity to create MySQL database utilizing phpMyADMIN features. These data management features also allow users to backup their files in a very simple and straightforward way.
- Easy Installation: With the presence of Linux OS and just a few clicks, you can install cPanel without many disturbances. It comes with default configuration settings, which also allows you to work on your server immediately after installation without having to reconfigure it to before use.
- Web protection and security: cPanel allows its users to password their accounts and any other directory created within their account. Users also access security features that can enable them to block or unblock IP address, and can also disable or enable their hotlink protection. This feature also allows users to delegate roles and access level to their customers or workers.
- Complex Domain Management: cPanel allows its users to create multiple domains on the same account. The only limit to the number of domains you can create with one account on cPanel is the limit set by your hosting provider; this implies that cPanel does not set limit on the number of domains users can create on one account.
- Detailed Statistics: cPanel provide detailed statistic on different important variables such as number of site visitors, pages they viewed, most viewed page, viewer’s IP address, visitors that returned to the site, their operating systems, browsers, site ranking, etc. With these statistics, the site owner can adjust to meet the needs of such users and work towards making his or her website SEO friendly.
Certainly, it is true that cPanel website hosting has great features that set it as a remarkable website hosting application. These features, which have been discussed above, would help you to manage your website efficiently and offer your customers more satisfaction. This software offers great value for every penny spent in purchasing it. Therefore, we recommend that if you want to make your website administration fun, then you should go for cPanel.
Insightful. Good write up