Choosing the best hosting provider for your website is one of the most important decisions any business establishment, organization, institution and individual can make for the online presence of their product or services. Online publications, articles and SEO services can help you to promote your online presence but if you do not choose the right hosting provider for your website, all these promotional efforts will be in vain. It becomes worse when you have limited time (say 5 minutes) to make this decision; definitely, the margin for error will be very high.
Therefore, you must need a guide to ensure that you are putting your best foot forward in getting the best services from the best web hosting provider in a limited period. How then can you pick the best vps hosting provider for your website in the next 5 minutes? We shall be helping you choose the best amongst the bests. However, we would like you to open your mind to the following facts before we can proceed:
- Not every big name in the industry may be suitable for your web hosting needs; you need to study how their hosting services fit your business.
- Cheap hosting services are always tempting, but it may not be the best for you.
- If information third party reviewers do not know much about your preferred hosting provider, I think the best option is for you to choose another.
- If you cannot get a glimpse of what their customer support and technical services are like, then you may be in for the biggest surprise.
- If you cannot say much about their uptime, e-commerce features, online shopping, online purchases, security features and other features’ then you still have a lot to learn about them.
With the above five points in mind, let us now discourse on how to pick the best hosting provider for your website in the next 5 minutes.
- Uptime: In choosing the best hosting provider, uptime should be of paramount importance. If your host your website with a provider that cannot guarantee 99.9% of uptime, then that means you just bought yourself more than seven hours of downtime every month.
- Load speed: The loading speed of your website depends on you, your web host and the location of your site visitor. On the part of your webhost, if your hosting provider does not provide features that will make your site load faster, then you will have a higher bounce rate than conversion rate.
- cPanel: Best hosting providers make sure that the user’s management interface in friendly enough for easy use. Your web-hosting provider should ensure that all the need functions and features of their control panel are complete.
- 24/7 customer/technical support: Every web hosting service provider should have a good customer services that can be able to handle technical matters regarding your website. Customer service reps should not be a bunch of clueless “professionals” who do not understand the practical details of web hosting.
- Unlimited disc space, email address, addon domains and bandwidth: Unlimited website hosting is the recent global trend on web hosting. Everyone wants limitless services so that his/her website does not crash. Best website hosting providers are responding to these demands by offering limitless bandwidth, email, domain, and disc space.
- Extensive e-commerce features and marketing tools: If you intent to run an e-commerce website, you need to make sure that, every feature of an e-commerce site that you may require is available with your provider. You should also ensure that your hosting provider would permit the e-commerce software you intend to use for business transactions. Your hosting provider should also make some marketing tools available to help promote your site.
- Website setup tutorial: Simple tools and templates that can guide you in setting up your website are mostly made available by hosting service providers. Therefore, you can also look out for this to know if they provide such tools.
- 30-45 days free trial and money back guarantee: Best hosting providers usually offer 45 to 30 days free trial at the begging of your subscription. Some also offer money back guarantee at the end of your trial if you do not want to continue with their services with no strings attached.
- Security monitoring and privacy protection: A best hosting provider would take the security and privacy of its users seriously. You can know if they breach this contract by reading reviews about their services on different website hosting service review sites.
- Free domain registration: This may not be a necessary requisite for measuring best hosting provider, but it may be an added advantage and lower cost to you and your business.
We believe that the information we have made available to you would guide you in picking the best hosting service provider for your website in the next five minutes. We wish you good luck and we will be ready to entertain your questions and suggestions if you have any.
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