We are exposed to information and advertisements by many businesses every day, every second, and throughout the entire year. All are competing for our interest nowadays, but we are turning our heads away from various types of advertising. What makes a business stand out amid the ocean of ad communication messages?
We are about to lay out some facts about guerrilla marketing. We will go over what it is and how to utilize it in more detail down the article.
Let’s just say for starters that guerrilla marketing allows you to interact with customers in novel and engaging ways by utilizing unusual methods. Guerrilla marketing can help your company’s name, product, or service go viral quickly. Even if you have a terrific product or service to offer, that does not necessarily guarantee you can convince online strangers to buy it.
There are three essentials for every enterprise going digital: putting together a website, defining the brand via social media, and building an email list. What is required to create a fantastic website? How about the best membership builders that can help you direct your attention by building your Internet presence? You won’t necessarily become the next internet juggernaut if you can only do those three things, but you will at minimum be off to a solid start. You need guerrilla marketing for more than that…
The Explanation of Guerrilla Marketing
One of the best tools for showcasing the marketing team’s inventiveness is guerrilla marketing. A marketing tactic known as “guerrilla” uses unanticipated ideas and a sense of surprise to grab the audience’s attention and in order to push goods, services, or concepts. Two key objectives are to elicit an emotional response from the audience and to ensure that they remember a particular good, service, or concept.
For this form of marketing, time, passion, and creativity are most important.
Guerrilla Marketing Characteristics
The following characteristics distinguish guerrilla marketing from other marketing strategies:
- It is inexpensive because the success of this strategy depends mostly on innovation rather than having a large budget.
- It is concentrated on the audience size and aims to reach a wider audience as it can. Two groups of persons are affected by this campaign. The first group consists of those who had close communication with the campaign (and unavoidably encountered messaging from guerrilla marketing), while the second group consists of people who learn about the campaign via the first group (by “word of mouth”). Because of their creativity, these ads frequently turn viral in numerous situations. In this case, viral and “word of mouth” marketing serve as a form of message amplifier for guerilla marketing.
- It employs the surprise factor, which helps the audience memorize the message better because they are frequently astonished by it.
Sorts of Guerrilla Marketing
Types of guerrilla marketing that are most widespread:
Ambient Marketing
Ambient marketing makes use of an existing setting. Advertisements are put in or on items that they would not typically be. The audience is intended to be startled by this marketing tactic. Although using a bus stop for marketing purposes is typical, exploiting seating at a bus terminal as part of branding is novel and distinctive.
There are many examples, and the list is huge. We will mention this one – using a bus or other means of transportation to forward a message. An example could be the Copenhagen zoo campaign with a picture on both sides of city transportation buses of a huge snake that looks like it is going to crush a bus. This was a zoo commercial way back in 2010.
Ambient marketing’s first distinguishing feature is its unconventional placement, which draws attention on its own. We can argue that the campaign we discussed, as well as many others that made clever use of the environment and produced a “wow” factor, utilized bus stations or building elevators. Execution, or if what is meant will have the intended effect on the viewers and the expected reaction from the audience, is another crucial component of this marketing.
The benefits of this kind of marketing are as follows:
- It garners interest
- It is simple to memorize
- The price is reasonable
- It might spread quickly because people like to tell their friends about intriguing things that happened to them, most frequently on social media
- Wider audience reach: These advertisements are frequently displayed in locations where a lot of people pass by, reaching a range of audiences.
Ambush Marketing
Events are used in this kind of marketing to promote the company. The fact that the business is not connected to the occasion itself is what makes it distinctive. All businesses that are not event sponsors in the traditional sense may engage in ambush marketing. Their marketing strategies are designed to give the public the impression that they are a part of the event. When conducting this type of marketing, you should exercise particular caution because it typically errs on the side of the law.
Fiat in Sweden had a particularly interesting idea in 2013. They parked their Fiat 500 in front of the Volkswagen headquarters at the moment when the Google Maps car was passing through the street. One of the Fiat employees saw a Street View vehicle passing by and used the opportunity to tease a competitor company. He jumped into a Fiat 500 and followed the vehicle to the headquarters of Volkswagen in Södertälje for 45 minutes. When the mapping vehicle finally came close to the Volkswagen office, the sly Fiat employee sped up, drove up the driveway, and parked the 500 directly in front of the door. He remained there till it was photographed.
Hidden Marketing
Without even recognizing it, this type of messaging exposes the audience to a marketing attempt. Instead of focusing on a specific product, service, or concept, the goal is to produce a particular emotion and passion and draw attention to it.
This type of campaign can be used by both small and large businesses, but it works best for those with large budgets. The justification is that this statement is simply one element of a larger campaign that aims to stimulate the interest of potential customers and users. This kind of marketing can help small businesses build their brands.
Viral/Buzz Marketing
This type of advertising was developed especially to encourage the dissemination of the message of the brand. It is predicated on the utilization of improved and natural interpersonal communication capabilities, in the shape of noise (buzz) surrounding a good, service, or concept. Through social media, the person who came into contact with the marketing campaign distributes their ideas and opinions either orally (“word of mouth”) or digitally (“word of mouse”).
How messages reach their target demographic is the main difference between viral and buzz marketing. Viral marketing progressively gains popularity by disseminating messages to customers over time. On the other hand, buzz marketing simultaneously broadcasts messages to a huge audience.
What Else To Think About
Guerrilla marketing’s fundamental traits are that it is inexpensive and draws attention due to its originality, as we have already said.
There are a few additional items to note:
- Campaigns can be criticized because they have not been tried before. The ramifications of your advertising and the feelings it might arouse in particular populations require you to exercise the utmost caution.
- Permits are frequently required. Since these campaigns are often conducted in public areas, you will require authorization from the company in charge of that area. You may be prosecuted if you choose to move forward without first obtaining permission.
- You must accept accountability for your actions.
You can use guerrilla marketing techniques in many different areas of your firm. Email marketing is one instance where surprise and creativity are effective. Guerilla methods can be used in emails to attract and hold readers’ attention. With attention spans as low as 8 seconds, it is more crucial than ever for your company to stand out when sending emails. Pay attention to the subject line. Yes, the content of your email is important, as well as its aesthetic appeal, which can be enhanced by online tools that have such a purpose. The first thing your reader will see, though, is the subject line. They can choose whether to open your email or delete it without reading it based on the subject and the opening line. Therefore, concentrate your ideas on the subject line while you are considering how to surprise your readers and catch their attention.
Guerrilla Marketing of Large Organizations
Guerrilla marketing is a fantastic technique for small businesses to increase brand awareness for a variety of reasons. Is guerrilla marketing practised by huge organizations a concern? The first concern is danger; big businesses have a better reputation and users/customers think highly of them. Can a guerilla campaign put that at risk? It really can, and the issue is that the negative reputation spreads even more quickly and widely as a result of the company’s popularity when that occurs.
There are many bad examples of campaigns by large companies. Like, say, the one made by Cartoon Network in 2007. As part of a guerrilla marketing strategy to promote the animated series “Aqua Teen Hunger Force”, the American cable channel placed tens of flashing electronic gadgets in 10 cities. When a Boston resident alerted police out of concern that the objects were explosives, the campaign went wrong. Police dispatched bomb squads and closed bridges in the Boston area after the incident escalated into an overflowing terror fear. Going popular on social media ultimately was not worthwhile. Jim Samples, the head of Cartoon Network, lost his job as a result of the stunt, which also cost Turner Broadcasting $2 million to cover the cost of Boston’s emergency response.
Regardless of the kind of business being advertised, we can state that a positive outcome relies on a mixture of time, approach, message, and a little bit of luck. But using inventiveness is at the very heart of guerrilla warfare. Because you don’t need many, but only a good one is all you need, as Jay Conrad Levinson writes in his 1984 book Guerrilla Marketing, you must take chances in order to thrive and earn a profit.
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