Premium WHMCS Solutions

Brontobytes has created these WHMCS addons, modules, hooks, and custom solutions to add helpful features to WHMCS that will make it easier on you in your day to day work.

Included With Every Plan

  • Encoded addons. Contact us to purchase the decoded version.
  • 1 year of updates with lifetime support & usage (use without renewing). 1 year renewal costs half the price. Contact us to get lifetime updates.
  • License valid for one website and unlimited staging sites.

  • GeoIP Localisation
    €34.99 EUR One Time
    • Automatically detects a visitor's location by IP (IPv4 & IPv6 support) and sets the language and/or currency you defined for his particular country.

      For example, you can define German language and EUR currency for Germany and Austria, English and GBP for United Kingdom, English and USD as Default for any other country, and if the visitor is not using a VPN, it will show him your defined language and currency.

      GeoIP Localisation will always show the Default values to search engines to prevent duplicate content and will force logged in clients to their registered language and currency, as long as you hide the ability to change the currency.

      Note that some WHMCS templates may require you to activate the following setting in your WHMCS installation if you can't see the different currencies and languages. WHMCS > Setup or System Settings > General settings > Other - Select "Attempt to load all files" for Encoded File Loading. Save.


  • Exit Popup
    €19.99 EUR One Time
    • Exit Popup enabling you to display a jQuery modal before a user leaves your website.

      Exit Popup intelligently detects the mouse behaviour and then pops up a modal window when your visitors are about to close the current webpage, helping you increase your landing page conversion rates.
      From experience, you can expect a 7% to 12% conversion rate increase - depending on your audience, traffic quality and offer.

      - Popup Content and Settings are controllable from Admin Area
      - Show the Exit Popup to visitors going to close any page or when at shopping cart only
      - Show the Exit Popup only when specific products are added to the cart
      - Show the modal Once per Session or set a Cookie
      - Set the Height and Width of your Popup window

      - Settings
      - Popup Modal

  • Expenses Tracker
    €49.99 EUR One Time
    • Manage your expenses within WHMCS

      Expenses Tracker is a great WHMCS module to those that want to manage their expenses and control the money flow. With this module, you can track real-time values by the month, week and day as well by categories and companies.

      You can generate, view, and download multiple reports
      1. Expenses Report.
      2. Tax Report.
      3. Incomes vs Expenses Report.
      4. Advanced Tax Report.

      - Interface that is easy to use.
      - All jQuery-built features.
      - Real-time calculation.
      - Automatic (Ajax) currency conversion based on invoice date.
      - Attach invoice (PDF or image) to each Expense.
      - Record payment on each expense.
      - Manage expense category.
      - Manage expense currency (Multi-currency).
      - Export reports/data to CSV.
      - Organize & filter data by categories and companies.
      - Easy to Edit and Delete.

      - Expenses
      - Add/Edit Expenses
      - Settings > Expenses Categories
      - Settings > Company/Providers
      - Settings > Currencies
      - Settings > Payment Methods
      - Reports > Expenses
      - Reports > Tax
      - Reports > Income vs Expenses
      - Reports > Advanced Tax

  • Knowledgebase Quickfind
    €14.99 EUR One Time
    • Studies showed that, If a user can't easily and quickly find what they are looking for from a website, they typically get frustrated and move on to the next website.

      Knowledgebase Quickfind, enables users to quickly and easily find and select from a pre-populated list of your WHMCS Knowledgebase Articles as they type, leveraging searching and filtering.
      Articles marked as Private in WHMCS > Support > Knowledgebase will not be included in the results.

      See it live and working on our website on the Knowledge Base page.

      Screenshot 1
      Screenshot 2

  • Cloak and Redirect Links
    €19.99 EUR One Time
    • Affiliate links should always be cloaked – you can do this by using our powerful redirect addon for your links to hide the actual URL and then telling Google not to flow PageRank to them to safeguard yourself against their sensitive algorithm and also future updates.

      This addon does a 302 redirect and sends an X-Robots-Tag header along with noindex and nofollow, which makes sure search engines aren’t allowed to index or follow the URLs. You can use this for any link, not just affiliate links.


  • SSD VPS Servers for WHMCS
    €79.99 EUR One Time
    • Are you a SSD VPS Server Reseller? Well, your wait is over as we release SSD VPS Server management and provisioning module for WHMCS. Our powerful module enables your customers to order and manage their SSD VPS servers from WHMCS itself.

      Our module can be easily set up and lets you start providing SSD VPS server access to your customers with a full GUI to manage features such as Shutdown, Force Power Off, Graceful Reboot, Reboot in Recovery, Rebuild Network, Manage Backups, Console Access and more. Additionally, you can always have an eye at Server Status, CPU and Bandwidth Usage and on additional important information of your SSD VPS server such as Datacenter Allocated, Operating system Installed and more from your WHMCS client panel itself.

      Please take a look at the screenshots below for an overview of SSD VPS Servers for WHMCS and its functionality.

      Module Settings

      Server Information
      Manage Backups
      Console Access
      CPU Graphs
      Network Graphs
      Graceful Reboot
      Upgrade/Downgrade Configurable Options
      Order with Configurable Options
  • Sendy Newsletter Integration
    €24.99 EUR One Time
    • This addon Subscribes, Updates and Unsubscribes WHMCS clients to/from your Sendy ( Lists.

      Main Functions
      - You can associate each and every WHMCS Client Group you have to specific Sendy Lists.
      - Optionally, you can Unsubscribe clients from Sendy on WHMCS Client Deletion.
      - In case client updates his Email, you have an option to unsubscribe previous email.
      - If you update your client's client group, there is an option to Unsubscribe him from previous associated Sendy List.

      Sync Functions
      - New client place an order and opt-in to marketing emails (GDPR) -> Subscribe to Sendy
      - Client register -> Subscribe to Sendy
      - Admin add a new client -> Subscribe to Sendy
      - Client update his Name, Surname or Email from Client Area -> Sync changes to Sendy
      - Admin update client's Name, Surname or Email from Admin Area -> Sync changes to Sendy
      - Client Opt-out Marketing Emails -> Unsubscribe from Sendy
      - Admin delete client's account -> Unsubscribe from Sendy (optional)
      - Client Unsubscribe from Sendy's Unsubscription URL -> Opt-out Marketing Emails from WHMCS

      - Settings
      - Unsubscribe Page

  • #Slack Integration
    €24.99 EUR One Time
    • Get notifications about your WHMCS installation in a #Slack channel

      Get a notification on:
      - New Clients
      - Paid Invoices
      - New Support Tickets
      - New Support Ticket Updates
      - New Cancellation Requests
      - Administrator Logins
      we will keep adding more options

      You can also Send Custom Messages to the Channel from WHMCS homepage using the integrated widget.

      - Settings
      - Widget

  • Facebook Messenger
    €19.99 EUR One Time
    • This addon allows your visitors to easily live chat with your business using Facebook Messenger.

      - Allow Your Clients to Easily Chat with your Business
      - Boost Your Sales - Don’t Miss Potential Clients
      - Facebook Live Chat - Support Your Customers via Facebook
      - Get Notification Immediately
      - Increase Your Fan Page Like

      Screenshot 1
      Screenshot 2
      Screenshot 3

  • Affiliate Review
    €19.99 EUR One Time
    • This addon will do the following, if the affiliate is registered through a special link, so you can Review the Affiliate before Activation.

      - Activate the client as an Affiliate
      - Set Status to Closed
      - Log out the affiliate to prevent access to Client Area
      - Show a customizable message that account is Pending Review
      - Create a To-Do entry and Log Activity in Admin Area

  • Advanced VAT Report
    €14.99 EUR One Time
    • Generates Advanced VAT Reports that shows Sales VAT Liability for selected periods.
      Reports can be Printed and Exported to CSV.


  • Advanced Transactions Report
    €14.99 EUR One Time
    • Generates Advanced Transactions Reports that shows Detailed Payments Activity for selected periods.
      Reports can be Printed and Exported to CSV.


  • Ads Modal
    €19.99 EUR One Time
    • This addon displays Ads (or information) in a jQuery Modal window to your Visitors and/or Clients. Increase sales!

      You can advertise new products, promotions, events, news updates, or any other important matter to capture your visitor's attention.

      - Ads Content and Settings are controllable from Admin Area.
      - Show any HTML content (Text, Images, YouTube...).
      - Show the modal to All Visitors or to Logged In clients only.
      - Show the modal on First Visit Only, Once per Session, Always, Never.
      - Addon has Screen size detection, tablet detection, mobile detection.
      - Set the Height and Width of your modal window.
      - Show the modal window on any page you want or on all pages.

      - Settings
      - Modal Window

  • Add Funds Bonus
    €19.99 EUR One Time
    • This addon rewards clients with a x% bonus on deposits over $x

      Reward your clients with a bonus percentage after the minimum deposit amount is reached.
      The bonus given after they add funds encourages your customers to add funds and to remain loyal to your business.

      - You can set the bonus percentage and minimum deposit amount from admin area.
      - The client follows the standard Add Funds procedure and, if he qualifies for the bonus, the credit will be awarded to his account.
      - This addon will create every possible record, so you and your clients can track the given bonuses.

      - Settings
      - Client Area

  • ShareASale Integration
    €14.99 EUR One Time
    • This addon will check If the following statements are true and then release the ShareASale's pixel image as the cart complete page is displayed to the client.

      - Customer is New (Can be disabled)
      - Order is Paid successfully
      - Order has at least one WHMCS Product/Service with Affiliate Pay Amount > $0
      - Customer doesn't have an affiliate cookie set via WHMCS Affiliate System

  • Facebook Like Box
    €14.99 EUR One Time
    • Get More Likes with Facebook Like Box

      - Show the like box on any page you want or on all pages
      - Settings are controllable from Admin Area
      -- Cookie Expire (Set 0 to show on every page load)
      -- Popup Delay
      -- Show on Mobiles & Tablets
      -- Your Facebook Page Name

      - Settings
      - Frontend

  • Advanced Monthly New Orders Income
    €14.99 EUR One Time
    • Generates a breakdown of the New Orders Income for each Month of the year and compares each to the previous year on the graph.
      Reports can be Printed and Exported to CSV.


  • Western Union / MoneyGram Payments
    €9.99 EUR One Time
    • Receive Western Union / MoneyGram Payments with your WHMCS

      - Settings
      - Frontend

  • Knowledgebase & Announcement SEF URL
    €14.99 EUR One Time
      After changing some Knowledgebase article's titles, I've noticed that articles can be accessed through old URI as well. Even worse, can be accessed using any URI as long as it has the ID inside the path. Announcements have the same behavior as well.
      This is a extremely negative for SEO as it produce duplicate content.

      This addon will fix that by 301 redirecting to the correct Search Engine Friendly URL.

  • New gTLDs Whois Servers
    • WHMCS Whois Servers (whoisservers.php) replacement file with all new publicly available gTLDs.

  • Knowledgebase Statistics
    €9.99 EUR One Time
    • This report shows how your WHMCS Knowledge Base articles are rated.

      Ever wondered how your knowledge base articles in WHMCS are rated? With our module, you'll get a list of your WHMCS KB articles with useful statistics.

      Features and Tools

      A report in a neat table
      A table is automatically generated and displays the following statistics:
      - Title
      - Views
      - Total Votes
      - Positive Votes
      - Positive Rate (in percentage)
      - Negative Votes
      - Negative Rate (in percentage)

      You'll also find the date and time when the report was generated.

      You can export the report to a CSV to view it on your computer or share it with your team.

      View and print your report or save it as a PDF on your computer.

  • Automatic Affiliate Activation
    €9.99 EUR One Time
    • This addon will Automatically

      - Activate client as Affiliate on Registration/Order.
      - Create a Log Activity in Admin Area for your reference.